Skincare that doesn’t turn back time. It rocks it.

Skincare that doesn’t turn back time. It rocks it.

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We’re all about owning our age, not reversing it.

But when our skin started changing dramatically after menopause, becoming dry, itchy, and more sensitive than a teenage daughter, we knew we had to do something about it.

In desperation, we turned to anti-aging creams, which, as it turns out, only made our skin more irritated, dry, and sensitive. Our skin actually looked like it had aged. The active ingredients in most anti-aging creams are often too aggressive and less effective for sensitive, mature skin. Who knew?

Thankfully for us, these three self-proclaimed Ladies of the ‘80s did.

Christi Putman, a scientist, Tiffanie Papp, a beauty director, and Alexis Schrimpf, a designer, who all saw the dramatic changes their skin went through during and after menopause due to estrogen decline.

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Working together at a little company called Procter & Gamble, the three embarked on a passion project they named See Me Beauty, a game-changing line of skincare designed to work with age. Not against it.

“One of the things we always hear women say is, ‘When I start getting near 50, my products seem to stop working,’” says Christi Putman.

“We found that it is true. Once you hit 50, things really change dramatically. Your skin starts aging 6 times faster, and it’s 12 times less responsive to the active ingredients.”

After countless hours of research, development, and testing, the women developed the perfect cocktail of nature-inspired ingredients, including avocado oil, dill extract, turmeric, and the unsung hero, artichoke extract.

“Artichoke extract has an unexpected benefit. It actually works better and faster on older skin versus younger skin,” Christi says. “Most actives work better on younger skin.”

Photo Credit Kim Daniels Unsplash

Photo Credit Kim Daniels Unsplash

Adds Tiffanie Papp, “I wasn’t a big moisturizer user. So P & G scientists gave me a lot of moisturizers to try until I found this one. I liked the way it felt, the way makeup looked when I used it, and I could really see a difference in how healthy my skin looked. 

But it wasn’t being sold anywhere because it was designed for too narrow an audience.  So it became our passion to bring it to women who can really benefit from it."

Now thanks to this group of badasses with beautiful skin, SeeMe Smooth Out Recovery SerumUptown Beauty Cream, and Sweet Dreams Night Cream are available online. 

Says Alexis Schrimpf, “It says to women, We See You. Because women over 50 feel like they’re invisible.”

No longer. 

SPECIAL OFFER: Use code GIRLSGONE50 to receive 15% off any SeeMe Beauty products

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